Request Healthcare Records

AKA Subject Access Or Right of Access Request

request health records data red flag professional behaviour from the pen of

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▶️ Please copy & Paste the text below. Then edit blue text as necessary, email or print and post to CEO.

The date

Name and address of the organisation

Dear CEO of NHS Department

Re: Subject Access Request

Your full name, date of birth, hospital or NHS number
Hospital/clinic/service attended and any other details to help identify you and the data you want.

Please supply the data about me that I am entitled to under the Right of Access of General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (GDPR) relating to: 

give details of the information you want, examples below : delete all the are not relevant.


• my healthcare records of appointments, in-patient and out patient treatment between [X date] to the present.
• All medical imaging and medical imaging reports between X date to the present.
• All blood work results between X date to the present.
• All medication charts between X date to the present.
• All written correspondence relating to this treatment/s between X date to the present.
• All electronic correspondence relating to this treatment/s between X date to the present.

You may be of the opinion that receiving this information may cause me distress and decide to refuse my request. But the opposite is true. It would cause me more distress to be denied my rights to access my own personal data.

If you need any more information from me, please let me know as soon as possible. 

It is my understanding that under the new GDPR, a fee would only be charged in an exceptional circumstance. 

It may be helpful for you to know that the GDPR requires you to respond to this request within one calendar month.

If you do not normally deal with subject access requests, would you please pass this letter to the relevant staff member.

Thank you.

address, postcode
contact number

*** By using any part of this Template Letter. You are accepting sole responsibility for any actions you may take. All the information in the Template Letters on this site are the personal opinion of the author and are intended as helpful suggestions.

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