Scroll down or click on the link to read: 1️⃣ Definition 2️⃣ Dismiss 3️⃣ Distort 4️⃣ Demonise 5️⃣ Distract 6️⃣ 4 D’s of discrediting Info-graph 7️⃣ The power of questioning your credibility. 8️⃣ How to tackle discrediting behaviour
1️⃣ Definition of Discrediting
Where they set out to harm your reputation and/or cause others to loose respect for you. The promotional material for this discrediting propoganda campaign is the 4 D’s.
It’s aim is deliberately make others:
▶️ mistrust you or
▶️ question your integrity or
▶️ make you doubt your memory of the events.
What this behaviour sets out to do is to make others believe does that you are untrustworthy. So the gradual uncertainty over the true chain of events and what the facts actually are. feeds into the saying “there’s no smoke without fire”. And by association, anything you have to say about the Organisation or professional becomes unreliable.
The 4 D’s of discrediting are:
2️⃣ Dismiss
▶️ Also known as denial.
3️⃣ Distort
▶️ Distortion is interchangeable with misdirection and deception.
▶️ Which form part of the Reality Reconstruction group of red flag professional behaviours.
4️⃣ Demonise
▶️ If they demonise you, they attack your character. Please see character assassination for more info.
5️⃣ Distract
▶️ They can use any combo of the red flag professional behaviours to distract you from the real issue/s. That your original complaint has been mishandled by the complaint investigation team.
6️⃣ 4 D’s of discrediting Info-graph

7️⃣ The power of questioning your credibility:
because you are:

▶️ crazy
▶️ a liar
▶️ you are poorly educated or a little bit ‘simple‘, so don’t understand.
▶️ emotionally unstable and/or
▶️ prone to overreactions.
Anything you say is automatically rejected as untrue. So any disagreements or protests from you lack credibility. And the louder you object, the more they can smile smugly and say, “See, I told you so.”
8️⃣ How to tackle discrediting behaviour
▶️ It is often helpful to understand the reason or reasons behind this behaviour. Discrediting in complaint handling is not personal. This behaviour is used as they are more concerned that the content of your complaint is not in the best interests of the career of the professional or the company. Than taking actions to stop what happened to you, happening to anyone else.
▶️ Linit their ammunition as the less inaccurate information they have about you, the harder it will be to discredit you. Request a copy of your healthcare records and ask them to edit and correct all errors. You may need to draw their attention to Principle D of the General Data Protection Act.
▶️ Get as much of your discussions as possible, in writing. If at all possible, do not accept telephone calls or attend face 2 face meetings with them. But if this is unavoidable, take meeting minutes and post or email a copy of your written account of this meeting as soon as possible after the meeting has finished.