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Name of CEO
Name of organisation
Post code
Dear CEO
Formal complaint about enter details of your complaint.
I expect your Organisation name to follow these complaint handling standards throughout the complaint handling process.
That your Organisation answers all of my questions in a logical, transparent, evidence based manner.
That all of the conclusions based on the information within the clinical notes, lab results, medical imaging are based on Local and National Policies that support best clinical practice and behaviour standards.
I expect your Organisation to follow Regulation 14 (1) of the Local Authority Social Services & National Health Regulation Act 2009 and either “seek independent opinion and/or evidence if necessary” or include the decision why it was not considered necessary within the body of the investigation report.
As I have asked for an examination of all of the facts. Regrettably, I am unable to accept the following statements
‘in my/our opinion’.
‘I/we can find no evidence’ unless the term ‘evidence’ is followed by a robust definition of what your organisation considers to be ‘evidence’ and a an appendix of all the documents used to reach this decision.
‘I/we cannot accept we did ‘anything wrong unless the body of facts supports this.
If the body of facts supports that the treatment and care I received fell below the standards expected of NHS Organisations. Then may I remind you of your Duty of Candour obligations under Regulation 20 of the Health &Social Care Act 2008 (updated 2014). Please note that the Duty of Candour should be applied to all treatment and behaviours from your Organisation that have caused me harm and/or distress.
Please remember that Regulation13 (3) of the Local Authority Social Services & National Health Act 2000, your organisation must confirm receipt of my complaint within three days.
I would like this acknowledgment to be via email/posted to my home address.
Regulation 13(7)(b) of the Local Authority Social Services & National Health requires your organisation to make an offer to discuss:
• the details of your proposed investigations and
• length of the investigation required by your organisation to investigate my complaint.
I would like to accept this offer of discussing this with a member of your organisation. Please contact me via phone/email/post.
I am unable to accept this offer of discussing this with a member of your organisation. Please email/ send via post your decisions on how my complaint will be investigated and when the investigation will be completed.
The Local Authority Social Services & National Health Act 2009 Regulation 14 (1) (b) requires that you provide me with regular updates on the progress of my complaint investigation. Please contact me via phone/email/post.
To avoid any abuses of my time and resources and to limit the negative impact on my mental health. If your Organisation does not follow the orders of the NHS Parliamentary Legislation. I will impose the following penalties for this unlawful behaviour:
If the Local Authority Social Services & National Health Act 200 Regulation13 (3),
• and your Organisation does not confirm receipt of my complaint within3 days of receiving my complaint. It will cost name of organisation, £10 for every day over the deadline until you confirm that you have received the complaint.
The Local Authority Social Services & National Health Regulation 13(7)(b)sets out standards for setting a date when the investigation will be completed.
• Once the the complaint investigation deadline is set, if I am not given 7 days notice that your Organisation will not be able to meet your deadline. I will charge name of organisation, £20 for every day that the report is late. This penalty will continue until I receive the full report response.
If I am not sent regular updates on the progress of the complaint as ordered in Regulation 13(7)(b) of the Local Authority Social Services & National Health.
• I will invoice your organisation £10 for every email I need to send asking for a progress report.
Regulation 20, Health and Social Care Act (Regulated Activities 2014) on best practice in complaint handling in the NHS suggests that the Organisation (…) offers an appropriate remedy or support to put matters right
I require the following remedy and/or support to put matters right
List your remedy/remedies and/or support requirements.
Yours faithfully
Hospital number
Contact details
Documents sent in support:
***disclaimer: “ By using any part of this Template Letter. You are accepting sole responsibility for any actions you may take. All the information in the Template Letters on this site are the personal opinion of the author and are intended as helpful suggestions.”