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Dedicated to Righting Wrongs & Restoring Sanity.
Behaviour Changes of Trauma
Triggers trip the Threat switch.
Is this Threat a danger to me?
The size of your Window of Tolerance determines your response to stress
The Stress alarm.
Stress ‘I will run away’ choice.
Stress choice, I will Fight this.
Stress choice, I am Frozen with indecision.
Stress choice, please like me so you won’t hurt me.
I have been betrayed behaviour.
Avoidance & escape behaviours.
I feel numb & on autopilot behaviour
Thoughts on play-rewind-repeat.
I don’t trust you behaviour.
I’m Overwhelmed by Stress
A rollercoaster of emotions.
Depressed, hopless & feeling helpless.
Injustice & hair trigger anger.
Shattered Assumptions.
Scanning for threats with thought radar.
Foreshortened Future
The Distress of trauma stimulus.
‘I’m tired, will you leave me alone’ behaviours.
Kindling of Trauma Overwhelm Symptoms
Talking when the stress fire alarm is ringing.
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Behaviours that cause Trauma:
Why use ‘Deny, Deny, Deny’
The use of Minimisation to trivialise
the Mental Filter of Organisational Bias
Intimidation Tactics designed to Control your Response
The bloodless murder of Character Assassination
Shame and Blame
Humiliation by Healthcare workers
Gaslighting to question your sanity
Reality Reconstruction of events
Control by delays & ghosting.
The 4 D’s of Discrediting.
Flying Monkeys & Enablers by Silence, the assistants of the Bullies.
Home Page: Support my Healthcare Injustice & Expose Judicial Misconduct Protest.
NHS Complaints Letter Templates
Amend Healthcare Records Template
Treatment Complaint Template Letter.
Request Healthcare Records
Fishing & Fact Finding Template Letter.
Minutes of Meeting Template
NHS Local Resolution Meetings
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